lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

Torrid Affair by Callie Anderson

TITLE: Torrid Affair

AUTHOR: Callie Anderson


CHAPTERS: Prologue | 3 PARTS | 38 | Epilogue

RELEASE DATE: September 13th, 2016


I’m fucked.

The life I have lived for the past ten years is built solely on lies and secrets.

But I can’t help myself.

I’m in love with two different men. And one of them is my brother-in-law.

He’s my drug. My fire. My addiction.

But he’s married to my best friend. And I’m married to my husband.

I’m not ashamed. I have no guilt.


I’m not fucked. I’m a fucked up person.

When I started reading this book I did it with a little distrust since it is about infidelity, cheating. And well, this topic is not much to my liking because I believe that there is never an excuse for lies, deceptions, and infidelities. But after reading this book, they will probably burn me in a bonfire for thinking that I approve it this time.

The story will tear your heart, it will break it and then it will cure it and then break it again.

But without a doubt, it is a book that I would recommend?

"Fucking yes" without thinking, without hesitation, is the best I've read and is now on my list of favorites.

The story begins with Brielle telling us how her marriage has declined, how she has become her husband's punching bag.
Fed up by the infidelities of her husband and tired of being hit, she decides to go in search of help from her brother-in-law (brother of her husband), help from the man she has always loved.
And then we go back to the past, 10 years earlier where, I assure you, is the best part of the story.

We have four very important literary characters in this story.

Brielle (protagonist)

Nathaniel (protagonist)

Delaney (Brielle's best friend and Nat's wife in the present)

and Julian (Nathaniel's brother and Brielle's husband in the present)

The story focuses a lot on the past. It is divided into three parts. Start with a small chapter in the present and then go back to the past most of the book. Then jumps to the present where the first chapter was and we have the meeting between Nat and Brielle after 10 years. By the synopsis we know that Brielle marries Julian and Delaney marries Nathaniel. But Brielle and Nat never stopped loving each other. Yes there is cheating from Nat and Brielle. Both deceive their partners but as I said at the beginning although I hate that and I know that there is never any justification, the truth is that with this story I agreed that it would happen although the lies with time are always discovered and sometimes bring with them terrible consequences.

Brielle and Nathaniel have known each other since they were teenagers and their crush is instantaneous. The two are interested in each other but what Brielle and Nat did not expect is that Delaney, the girl Nat had left before Brielle, was Brielle's best friend and roommate. From there the conflicts begin because of friendship, Brielle decides to move away from Nat and Nat because she does not make much of the fight and decides to listen to Brielle.

I will be very sincere; many times I wanted to hit everyone especially Nat but I also fell in love with him. And one of the moments that I wanted to hit him was when he does not fight for Brielle and decides to stay with Delaney even though he wanted to continue dating Brielle. With the excuse that he knew, Brielle would never accept him, since among them as friends they have the code to never go out with the ex-boyfriends of their friends. And so he decided to play the role of Delaney´s boyfriend so he can be near Brielle. 

What a difficult situation between them!. Brielle is aware that she is not going to sacrifice her friendship for a guy she just met and liked. But fate does not want it that way and they have to see each other at school and decide to be friends. But they become better friends over time and continue with that friendship behind Delaney´s back. And from that great friendship, love is born. A love that afterwards they can´t avoid and it becomes eternal.

The question is, what would you have done with such a situation?
Me? I don´t know

Nathaniel and Brielle despite making that decision cannot help but feel that attraction and over time it becomes stronger. Many things happen that will make you fall in love with the characters but you will also suffer with them.

The story of these young people is one full of bad decisions, full of lies, of lovelessness, of love, of how cruel life is sometimes, how easy it is to fall in love and how difficult it is to forget someone. I don´t know if your soul mate really exists, but in this story Brielle and Nat are made for each other and it seems that the whole universe is against that love. Nat is going to break your heart, you're going to hate him, you're going to want to hit him and then he's going to make you fall in love with him again, you're going to cry for him, you're going to want to have a Nat for you so that later he'll break your heart into a thousand pieces.

You will live this story as if it were yours, you will feel every line and I assure you that even if you do not agree with how things are done or the decisions Brielle makes, I can´t imagine it in any other way. It wouldn´t have had this magic that kept me sitting in an armchair, reading without stopping or eating, crying, and with the satisfaction of this great ending. The satisfaction of having been Brielle for a few hours and not just Karla. The author knew how to put this story under my skin. It tore my heart but I also fell in love with its characters.

This book will bring you many feelings, you may hate Brielle or you may be on her side and understand her as I do. I did not hate Brielle. I agree that if she had spoken with the truth from the beginning maybe other things would had happened but who knows how her friend would have reacted at the time, when they were young. We do not know because the author wanted to play with our heart and she did it.

A round of applause for this great story that I have read and loved completely despite the tears I shed. Although many times I was not happy with the decisions they made.
But I ended up with a huge satisfaction with the whole story.


Callie Anderson is a wife, mother and writer, who embraces the truth, then weaves it into a magical tale of romance and heartache.

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